1. Approve minutes for August 28,2014 and September 4,2014. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-14 regarding police officer and fire fighter assignment pay. (Chief Fluck and Chief Ekiss)
Consider adopting Ordinance 2014-12 adopting the annual budget for fiscal year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider adopting Ordinance 2014-13 fixing and levying ad valorem tax rate for tax year 2014/2015 and take a record vote. (Rosemarie Dennis)
1. Approve minutes for August 28,2014 and September 4,2014. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-14 regarding police officer and fire fighter assignment pay. (Chief Fluck and Chief Ekiss)
Consider adopting Ordinance 2014-12 adopting the annual budget for fiscal year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider adopting Ordinance 2014-13 fixing and levying ad valorem tax rate for tax year 2014/2015 and take a record vote. (Rosemarie Dennis)