CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
1. Approve minutes for August 14,2014. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-15 amending the ordinance for the regulation of traffic by establishing J speed limit on CR 101. (Jeff Straub) 3. Approve Resolution R14-14 amending Resolution R14-04 regarding the support of improvement to the Taylor Municipal Airport as recommended by the Texas Department of Transportation I Aviation Division. (Esther Walton) 4. Concur with preliminary fmancials for July 2014. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider awarding contracts under the Amy Young Barrier Removal Program Contract No. 1002 120 with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. (Bob van Til)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2014-12 adopting the annual budget for fiscal year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2014-13 fixing and levying ad valorem tax rate for tax year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
The Taylor City Council will conduct a closed executive meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, and the authority contained in Section 551.087 to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial andltor financial information on a business prospect that the City of Taylor, Texas, seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Taylor, Texas, and with which the City of Taylor, Texas, is I conducting economic development negotiations incentives to the business prospect. • Project Austin
CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
1. Approve minutes for August 14,2014. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-15 amending the ordinance for the regulation of traffic by establishing J speed limit on CR 101. (Jeff Straub) 3. Approve Resolution R14-14 amending Resolution R14-04 regarding the support of improvement to the Taylor Municipal Airport as recommended by the Texas Department of Transportation I Aviation Division. (Esther Walton) 4. Concur with preliminary fmancials for July 2014. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider awarding contracts under the Amy Young Barrier Removal Program Contract No. 1002 120 with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. (Bob van Til)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2014-12 adopting the annual budget for fiscal year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2014-13 fixing and levying ad valorem tax rate for tax year 2014/2015. (Rosemarie Dennis)
The Taylor City Council will conduct a closed executive meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, and the authority contained in Section 551.087 to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial andltor financial information on a business prospect that the City of Taylor, Texas, seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Taylor, Texas, and with which the City of Taylor, Texas, is I conducting economic development negotiations incentives to the business prospect. • Project Austin