CALL TO ORDER AND DECLARE A QUORUM INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
(The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Council may act on with one single vote. The Mayor or any Council member may pull any item from the Consent Agenda to discuss and act upon individually! on the Regular Agenda.) 1. Approve minutes for January 23,2014. (Susan Brock)
(The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Council may act on with one single vote. The Mayor or any Council member may pull any item from the Consent Agenda to discuss and act upon individually! on the Regular Agenda.) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-03 regarding the imposition of roadway impact fees. (Bob vanTil)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2014-01 to rezone property generally located on the northwest comer of Elliott and East 1st Streets from B-1, Local Business, to M-l, Light Industrial. (Bob vanTil)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2014-02 to rezone property located on the northeast comer of Washburn and E. 1st Street, from B-1, Local Business to M-1, Light Industrial. (Bob vanTil)
Reconsider appointments and reappointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. (Jeff Straub)
Receive report from Brazos River Authority regarding Taylor Water Supply. (David Collinswortli)
Receive and accept Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30,2013. Rosemarie Dennis; Mike Brooks)
Consider approving a proposal from the Library Advisory Board regarding the use of funds from the Louis K. Ned estate for a Zinio Digital Magazine subscription service. (Karen Ellis)
Discuss and take action regarding the selection of an executive search firm to conduct a search for the position of city manager. (Mayor)
CALL TO ORDER AND DECLARE A QUORUM INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
(The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Council may act on with one single vote. The Mayor or any Council member may pull any item from the Consent Agenda to discuss and act upon individually! on the Regular Agenda.) 1. Approve minutes for January 23,2014. (Susan Brock)
(The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Council may act on with one single vote. The Mayor or any Council member may pull any item from the Consent Agenda to discuss and act upon individually! on the Regular Agenda.) 2. Approve Ordinance 2014-03 regarding the imposition of roadway impact fees. (Bob vanTil)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2014-01 to rezone property generally located on the northwest comer of Elliott and East 1st Streets from B-1, Local Business, to M-l, Light Industrial. (Bob vanTil)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2014-02 to rezone property located on the northeast comer of Washburn and E. 1st Street, from B-1, Local Business to M-1, Light Industrial. (Bob vanTil)
Reconsider appointments and reappointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. (Jeff Straub)
Receive report from Brazos River Authority regarding Taylor Water Supply. (David Collinswortli)
Receive and accept Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30,2013. Rosemarie Dennis; Mike Brooks)
Consider approving a proposal from the Library Advisory Board regarding the use of funds from the Louis K. Ned estate for a Zinio Digital Magazine subscription service. (Karen Ellis)
Discuss and take action regarding the selection of an executive search firm to conduct a search for the position of city manager. (Mayor)