CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
1. Approve minutes for September 24, 2013. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2013-19 amending the 201212013 fiscal year budget. (Rosemarie Dennis) 3. Approve Ordinance 2013-14 assigning newly annexed territories to appropriate city election districts. (Susan Brock) 4. Concur with preliminary financials for August, 2013. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider request to extend bulk water rate agreement to Mustang Creek Golf Course. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-18 amending the Fee Schedule for City services. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider approving Resolution R13-17 nominating candidates to the Board of Directors for the Williamson County Appraisal District. (Jeff Straub)
Consider a request from the City of Leander to become a member of the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD). (Jim Dunaway)
Consider request to sell wine and/or beer and to allow consumption throughout the festival area for the 2013 OcTaylorfest and the 2013 Fl Invitational Car Show. (Deby Lannen) ADJOURN
CITIZENS COMMUNICATION (The City Council welcomes public comments on items not listed on the agenda. However, the Council cannot respond until the item is posted on afuture meeting agenda. Registration forms are available at the sign in table.)
1. Approve minutes for September 24, 2013. (Susan Brock) 2. Approve Ordinance 2013-19 amending the 201212013 fiscal year budget. (Rosemarie Dennis) 3. Approve Ordinance 2013-14 assigning newly annexed territories to appropriate city election districts. (Susan Brock) 4. Concur with preliminary financials for August, 2013. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider request to extend bulk water rate agreement to Mustang Creek Golf Course. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-18 amending the Fee Schedule for City services. (Rosemarie Dennis)
Consider approving Resolution R13-17 nominating candidates to the Board of Directors for the Williamson County Appraisal District. (Jeff Straub)
Consider a request from the City of Leander to become a member of the Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD). (Jim Dunaway)
Consider request to sell wine and/or beer and to allow consumption throughout the festival area for the 2013 OcTaylorfest and the 2013 Fl Invitational Car Show. (Deby Lannen) ADJOURN