Consideration and action with respect to a "Resolution R13-10 authorizing proceeding with issuance of Certificates of Obligations and further Idirecting the publication ofN otice of Intention to issue City of Taylor, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2013." (Jim DunawaylRosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-11 to abandon alleyways located in the Dr. J.S. Brown Addition, Northwest corner of 8th and Davis Streets. (Jim Dunaway/Ted Hejl)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-12 regarding a change in position classifications for the Police Department. (Jim Dunaway/Chief Fluck)
Consider Resolution R13-09 opposing adoption of proposed Insurance Services Office Fire Suppression Rating Schedule. (Chief Ekiss)
Consideration and action with respect to a "Resolution R13-10 authorizing proceeding with issuance of Certificates of Obligations and further Idirecting the publication ofN otice of Intention to issue City of Taylor, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2013." (Jim DunawaylRosemarie Dennis)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-11 to abandon alleyways located in the Dr. J.S. Brown Addition, Northwest corner of 8th and Davis Streets. (Jim Dunaway/Ted Hejl)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2013-12 regarding a change in position classifications for the Police Department. (Jim Dunaway/Chief Fluck)
Consider Resolution R13-09 opposing adoption of proposed Insurance Services Office Fire Suppression Rating Schedule. (Chief Ekiss)