Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2012-17 regarding a request to rezone property located at 401 E. 6th street from MF-2 (Multi Family) to I (Institutional). (John Elsden)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider approving Ordinance 2012-13 to change the name of CR400. (John Elsden)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2012-18 establishing requirements allowing burning within the city limits. (Chief Elkins)
Consider approving Resolution R12-12 denying the Mid-'I ex Division of Atmos Energy Corporation's Statement of Intent to change the gas utility rates in the City of Taylor. (Jim Dunaway)
Consider continuing participation in the Williamson County Urban County Program for CDBG funding. (Bob vanTil)
EXECUTIVE SESSION 10. Executive Session. The Taylor City Council will conduct a closed executive meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, and the authority contained in Section 551.087 to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial and/or financial information on a business prospect that the City of Taylor, Texas, seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Taylor, Texas, and with which the City of Taylor, Texas, is conducting economic development negotiations and/or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to the business prospect. • Project Bate • Project Lone Star • Project Stream 2 11. Consider action from Executive Session. ADJOURN
Conduct Public Hearing and consider introducing Ordinance 2012-17 regarding a request to rezone property located at 401 E. 6th street from MF-2 (Multi Family) to I (Institutional). (John Elsden)
Conduct Public Hearing and consider approving Ordinance 2012-13 to change the name of CR400. (John Elsden)
Consider introducing Ordinance 2012-18 establishing requirements allowing burning within the city limits. (Chief Elkins)
Consider approving Resolution R12-12 denying the Mid-'I ex Division of Atmos Energy Corporation's Statement of Intent to change the gas utility rates in the City of Taylor. (Jim Dunaway)
Consider continuing participation in the Williamson County Urban County Program for CDBG funding. (Bob vanTil)
EXECUTIVE SESSION 10. Executive Session. The Taylor City Council will conduct a closed executive meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, and the authority contained in Section 551.087 to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial and/or financial information on a business prospect that the City of Taylor, Texas, seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the City of Taylor, Texas, and with which the City of Taylor, Texas, is conducting economic development negotiations and/or deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to the business prospect. • Project Bate • Project Lone Star • Project Stream 2 11. Consider action from Executive Session. ADJOURN